New Services
Adult Phlebotomy – The Practice is now offering an Adult phlebotomy service to our patients.
Child Phlebotomy – The Practice is now offering this service for 2-18 year olds.
Physiotherapist – We can now book appointments directly with Rehan, our physiotherapist.
Social Prescriber – Feeling a little isolated or lonely? like to find out about support services that are available? Contact Reception for more information
Pharmacist – Please click the link below to find out how a Practice pharmacist can help you.
Myhealth – Structured and bespoke service to support patients with medical conditions to become more healthy and active. Includes heavily discounted financial incentives (with the Borough’s leisure centres) – please click link to find out more and ask reception for a referral.
24 Hour Blood Pressure Service
Please contact reception for more information.
Asthma Clinic
Run by our Practice Nurse with doctor consultation where appropriate, by appointment.
COPD Clinic
Run by our Practice Nurse with doctor consultation where appropriate, Monday mornings by appointment.
Diabetes Clinic
Run by our Practice Nurses and HCAs with doctor consultation where appropriate, by appointment.
Well Person Clinic
Run by our Health Care Assistants most days, by appointment.
Cervical Cytology Clinic
Run by our Practice Nurses most days, by appointment
Women aged 25 to 64 years should routinely have a smear test every three to five years. If you think you are due for a smear, or have never had one, please contact the surgery to make an appointment.
What is cervical screening? Cervical screening is a test (smear test) to check the health of your cervix. For more information, please see link:
Cervical screening: helping you decide
Cervical screening: helping you decide (Arabic)
Cervical screening: helping you decide (Bengali)
Cervical screening: helping you decide (Simplified Chinese)
Cervical screening: helping you decide (Punjabi)
Cervical screening: helping you decide (Urdu)
Health Visitors Clinic
Well children clinic every Wednesday afternoon at 1.15 – 3:15 pm at Cherry Lane Children’s Centre, Cherry Lane School, Sipson Road, West Drayton, UB7 9DL. Also on Friday’s 9:30 – 11:30 am at the Cornerstone Centre, Yiewsley Baptist Church, 74 Colham Avenue, Yiewsley, UB7 8HF. No appointment necessary, but last entry 5 minutes before closure of clinic.
Child 6 week Development Check Clinic
Run by Practice doctors and is by appointment only.
Baby And Childhood Immunisations
By appointment.
Immunisation is a simple and effective way of protecting children from serious diseases. It not only helps protect individuals, it also protects the broader community by minimising the spread of disease.
Minor Operations
Performed in suitable cases by our own doctors, arranged by appointment.
Travel Vaccinations
By appointment (see next tab for details)
Flu Vaccination Clinics
Held annually and begin in late September
Flu jabs are available free to patients over 65 years of age or who have a chronic (long term) condition such as diabetes, asthma, heart or kidney problems.
All Services
Have You Tried the Blood Pressure Unit Yet?
The BP unit is located underneath the TV in the reception area. Please try the BP unit as it saves invaluable […]